

Designing for Change


Our students explored how to support Dexcom users through lifestyle changes that make it difficult to manage glucose levels, supplies and social support.

"This would make [taking exams] so much easier."
Marlon, College Student with T1D

Students wore CGMs to better understand the needs of users.

19 UCSD students embarked in an 8-week design sprint in early 2020 to develop new and innovative solutions to problems uncovered through user interviews. Each solution was the result of mapping our user’s experience and iteratively refining it based on feedback from participants with type 1 diabetes.

After several rounds of testing, the final feedback was overwhelmingly positive.

"Would be very useful in the setting of a diabetes camp."
Gayle, RN, CDE, Camp Counselor

"This is dynamite!"
Margi, T1 Participant

The final presentation to Dexcom was a success. Each team pitched their solution, and presented an interactive prototype.


Automatic Sensor Replacement: How might we streamline the process of sensor replacement? - Daman Heer, Daokai Lin, Emilia Pokta

Supplies on the Spot: How might we support travelers to find supplies when unexpected events occur? - Stephanie Kim, Braeanne Oribello, Rishabh Singhal, Roy Zhang

CGM Advocate: How might we empower students with a Dexcom CGM in the classroom? - Tiffany Do, Michelle Duong, Peter Xu, Angela Zhu

Mind the Gap: How might we help people manage signal loss? - Amy An, Neve Foresti, Adam Gomez

I'm on it! - How might we improve care coordination at camp? - Stacy Kim, Steven Lou, Aaron Truong, Fiona Wong